small incinerator for sale

Sterilization time: approx. 30 minutes at 121◦C/1.1 Bar or approx  15 minutes at 132◦C/2.5 Bar to achieve 6log10


Fragmentation inside the chamber: Heavy duty with maximum size of final product <20 cm.

Volume reduction of the waste after processing : by 60-80% through complete waste dehydration including liquid

content of the waste

All actions after loading for sterilization, fragmentation of product is to be occurred in the same chamber/vessel

Pre or Post-air evacuation should not be necessary or used

Exhaust air quality : Does not require any venting for odor control

Operating System: Fully automated with manual over-ride .(On board PLC capable of generating written report with

cycle time , cumulated time at >121◦C

The option should be there for Internet connectivity by phone, cable or

Boiler : should not require pre-heated water

Electrical requirements: 220Vac, 1ph or 400vac 3ph to suit customer needs

Noise level at full operation: <80 dB

Working Principle of the processor

The processor should utilize steam technology in conjunction with a mechanical fragment (grinder) to sterilize

medical waste, thereby making the residual waste safe for disposal in landfills.

The sterilization vessel MUST be a double walled (jacketed) cylindrical vessel.

Pre-shredding of infectious waste must not be accepted, the fragmentation must occur safely inside the scaled vessel


The sterilization vessel/chamber must be fitted with a motor driven shaft to which a heavy duty grinder (fragmenting

arm) is attached inside the vessel to produce an unrecognizable size of the waste product

The fragmenting are must rotate to agitated continuously throughout the heating and sterilization cycle to ensure

that the fragmented & agitated wastes (including sharps and liquids) are exposed evenly to sterilization temperature

and pressure.

Steam heat should be applied to the jacket only, while the agitated waste absorbs the heat from the jacket and makes

its own steam from its moisture content.

Should not need for special autoclave bags- simple bag or box should be workable

MUST not need for pre-treatment of the waste.

Liquids and gases MUST remain locked inside the vessel until sterilization is complete-nothing should be vacuumed or

pumped out in its infected state.

Jacket steam heat to dehydrate the waste completely regardless of its original water content.

All the hot condensate from the jacket is recycled, making the processor very economical to operate

All particles of the waste should achieve a high level of sterilization and not just “disinfection” due to the

continuous agitation.

Description of the Treatment Cycle of the processor


The waste has to be loaded by dropping bagged and or boxed waste into the open loading door on the vessel.

The loading door should be mounted at an angle on the top side of the vessel with suitably sized to accommodate the

infectious wastes for which it is intended

Over-loading or loading too tightly should not be an issue with this process, and hence no need of the special

operator skill.

ii)Heat –up and fragmentation

After loading , the vessel door is to be closed, and the outer jacket of the vessel is to be automatically filled

with high temperature steam, which should act as the main heating medium for heating the waste

During this heating cycle, the shaft and mixing arms should rotate continuously, causing the waste to be fragmented

and continuously tumbled against the hot vessel walls.

At this point, the waste is broken up into small fragments, and all material heats up rapidly, being evenly and

thoroughly exposed to the hot inner surfaces. The moisture content of the waste will turn in to steam, and the vessel

will start to pressurize.

Initially, no steam will be injected into the waste. If there not enough moisture in the waste to pressurize the

vessel, a small amount of steam is to be automatically added until the desired pressure is reached.

At the end of the period, the correct sterilization temperature and should be reached, and the sterilization period

should start.

iii)Sterilization period

The amount of steam fed to the outer jacket is to be regulated to maintain the desired temperature & pressure of the

inner vessel.

The mixing arms (grinder)  MUST continue to rotate throughout this cycle to ensure even sterilization pressure and

temperature for all wastes.

The treatment time should be either 15 minutes at 132◦C OR 30 minutes at 121◦C  to achieve level 6log10 sterilization

The intense subjugation of the waste to high temperature and pressure moisture in a dynamic environment should also

cause the waste to hydrolyze, that is a rapid decomposition of organic material.


After the treatment time , the steam to the jacket should remain on, and the internal vessel is to

be vented through a condenser, and de-pressurized. Thus, the waste loses its water content

through a combination of heat input from the jacket and flashing of water due to



Further dehydration is to be achieved by maintaining heat input and mixing-almost total dryness should be achieved.

HICLOVER is growing brand for environmental protection field, and market share with most of Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia countries and part of North America, Europe territory. We are trusted partner for governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, international contractors, logistics organizations, military, pet cremation business owners, etc. We have export experience more than 40 countries, including war zone like Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan. Mobile: +86-13813931455(WhatsApp) Website: Email: Email: